Sunday, August 23, 2009

*Tuhanku..please give me the PATIENT*

its 1.26 am and i still doing some work regarding on Web IT. but i cant fully concentrate becoz of one annoying #$%# sound. dunno from where it cames but surely its a block radius from my keep screaming and shouting once a while but simultaneously....
occay...i need to sleep rather than hearing an insane people screaming
still alot to read...
still have work to do and to be done..
still have to wait for my group members come back here...
and still....and still...and still...

*kawal bahasa d bolan pose

3 kate korang:

edan coba said...

pengawalan ternyata berjaya..
klu x kenal u sbenarnya mesti ingat u baek sngt!! Solehah tu...
(chooii der je aqu nk nyakat D)

CZ's thinking. said...

harus la kawal walaupun nada masih lagi dalam keadaan marah kan???

danielle said...

coba-->no...i just pretend to be mean but at the same tyme i`m wicked and nice person..paham x coba?...twistnyer....

cz-->well...u noe me..
