Friday, April 17, 2009

dah lama...

dah lama aku tak post new entry..sori coz i have a bunch of workloads to do in this 3 hell weeks...shit yo!..ader gak la kawan aku tanya, when do u want to update ur blog?..asik-asik mandrin hansuang jer...sori la geng...macam aku ckp td..teda masa

skunk aku tgh baca advanced multimedia slaid...Musical Instrument Digital Interface..ghapo dier? its a MIDI...aku tak paham lagi konsep nyer sejak mr Lobo aka encik Rizal eksplain mender, mdm laura...once again i dun understand..hurmm, wuht shud i do? friends told me just read n memorize it if u cant undertand it...hafal jer la dik non n image compression and segale hotak nyer lagey...

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